
Agape is God's love given freely without expectation or hesitation. Agape can take many forms - below are a few.

A Weekend Prayer Chain before it is brought into the Kairos Weekend. White links are from fellow inmates and colored links are free-world prayer partners.

A Weekend Prayer Chain before it is brought into the Kairos Weekend. White links are from fellow inmates and colored links are free-world prayer partners.

Prayer - We need your prayers for the success of the mission. Please pray for: Residents for the Weekend, Warden, Chaplain, Kairos Weekend Leader, Inside and Outside Teams and for our host Church that the will of God be accomplished. Join us on our prayer chain that goes into the Unit on the Weekend to show the men Christians from around the world are praying for them.

Fill out Prayer Chain Links - Print and fill out links for the Prayer Chain on 8 1/2 x 11 Colored Paper Only. Connect with us on our Wynne Kairos Facebook page and we can add your name and location to the Prayer Chain.

Letters - Write letters from God’s family to the inmates expressing God’s love.

Letter Guidelines - Address to “Dear Brother in Christ”. Don’t seal the envelope. A short “note” from children has an incredible impact for Christ! Children (first name only and age).

Darrington Unit agape.jpg

Posters - Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, reunion groups, youth groups, and even families can make a poster that expresses the hope found in Christ.These messages of love from the Body of Christ have a powerful impact on hardened hearts.

What is on the poster is not so important. It can be a simple trace of hands or a beautiful work of art. It should have the name of the group and the group’s signatures (if kids, first name only and age). No stickers or glue please.

This sample poster is from the Darrington Prison Kairos Group.

Placemats - Decorated by children with a simple message of God’s love. Please include child’s first name only and age. Paper size is 11 x 17. Here are 120 blank placemat templates that are ready to be colored or use you own design. No stickers or glue please.

sofia placemat.JPG

Placemats made by children are used for each meal. These hand made placemats are powerful tools of the Holy Spirit that can break open a lifetime of sorrow and let in the love of Christ. Notes written on them from children to the Participants can have a lasting effect.

Attend a Closing - Join the team for a 2 hour Mission Trip into the Unit to hear from the Participants themselves on what they found during the Weekend.

Green Agape (money) Gifts of any amount are appreciated and needed. We welcome you into this ministry through giving.