The Following is an edited version of a recap of how weekend #12 at the Wynne Unit went to both inside and outside team members by weekend leader Chris Clark. For those interested in the Kairos Ministry either as a potential volunteer or as a supporter, this is how a typical weekend goes, when God is working his might and wisdom!

Wynne Kairos #12 Closing took place yesterday afternoon and is now in the books, except for Instructional next Saturday and my requirement to complete a few administrative actions.


Earlier today I sent an email to the Inside and Outside Team that participated but wanted to ensure all Wynne Kairos Members on our email distribution know how it went.


As most of you know from my previous emails, all the way up to Thursday, our first day to go in, we still didn't have confirmation on being able to go in, the Team List, the Gate List, the Closing List, the Supplies, or the food for the weekend. However, we had faith and a determination to push forward and tackle any challenges that came our way, and they did.


Due to not having enough Inside Team Members a decision was made to cut one of our Family Tables. This meant that instead of Hosting 42 Men-in-White we Hosted 36. When you say it out loud it almost sounds like a letdown but trust me when I say, it has been 3 years since we were able to Host anyone and being able to bring the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness for 36 Men was amazing!!


Sunday October 2nd at Prayer and Share, before the Weekend began, we were told that 4 of our 36 Candidates got into trouble and moved to B-Wing, this meant we had to identify 4 new Candidates. We were also told that C-3 had been placed on lockdown due to potential COVID exposure, so we picked another 4 Alternate Candidates.  



  • After making it through the back gate we were told to take the equipment straight to the gym and it would be counted there, I was told this was the smoothest transition we have seen taking the equipment inside (Blue Song Books are another story but they made it in when the rest of the Team came in).

  • Just after the Inside Team arrived, we were advised the 4 on lockdown had been replaced with the 4 of our Alternates but that another Candidate had been moved to C-3 due to possible exposure and yet another Candidate from the Trustee Camp decided not to participate. Due to the short time frame a plan was quickly put in place and two of the Chapel Assistants, both who had previously submitted I-60's to attend the Kairos Walk were chosen - we were back up to 36 Participants.

  • Chaplain Philip Amobi joined us and said a few words to the Participants as well as thanking our Inside Team for being there. When asked about being available on Sunday for Closing he indicated he would not. It was mentioned we would love to have another Walk in April and will be contacting him with dates but that if he could put it on his calendar to join the Men for a meal during the weekend it would provide a positive impact to the Men - he indicated he would.

  • Thursday afternoon/evening went as expected, there was some apprehension for the Participants, but we knew that would change as the weekend progressed.


  • Friday Morning went as planned with three excellent morning Talks, Choices, You Are Not Alone, and Friendship with God.

  • The Men thoroughly loved the fried chicken and coleslaw for lunch - don't recall any complaints on dessert either.

  • As lunch was finishing up, one of the Candidates who had been placed on lockdown due to possible exposure walked into the gym asking to be allowed to start his weekend at that point. He was not happy that he was denied and told he would be required to complete a new I-60 for an opportunity to participate in the Wynne Kairos #13 Walk. When he calmed down and recognized we knew it wasn't his fault nor ours he did allow us to pray over him. A little later the other 4 Candidates who had been placed on lockdown for exposure appeared and it was explained to them as well.

  • Warden Rodger Bowers and Assistant Wardens Chris Garcia and Dustin Wonders joined us for a few moments but due to timing of their visit did not address the Men, all were asked to join us at any time but specifically at Closing - Warden Bowers would be out of town, Assistant Warden Wonders never said one way or the other, Assistant Warden Garcia indicated he would be there over the weekend but no commitment.

  • No other hiccups took place on Friday, and we completed the day with Talks - The Church and Opening the Door, it was noted that when the speaker identified himself as an ex-offender they hung on every word of his Talk.


  • Saturday was a normal Forgiveness Day - we had two more excellent Talks on Discovery and Christian Action, both engaged the audience and had them participating.

  • Two Participants asked to have private discussions, and, in both cases, they appear to have released years of anguish and pain.

  • Through another letter one of the Participants asked for forgiveness for the hate inside him and forgave his father for the pain and suffering (amazing).

  • All within the gym participated in Forgiveness and Hand Washing, including a CO. When the Men began to whisper about her participating it was explained we ALL have those we need to forgive or ask forgiveness of and that we are all brothers and sisters.


  • While we were waiting for entry at the gate, Assistant Warden Garcia arrived, he was reminded about Closing and that it would be great if he could join us and share a positive spin with the Men. Skip to the end, Warden Garcia came in and delivered a great talk to the Men and provided the audio of a great motivational talk that ran about 4 minutes.

  • When we arrived in the gym, we were informed a fight had taken place and that A2 and A3 were now on lockdown. 5 of our Men - 3 of our Participants and 2 of our Stewards were impacted. We circled up all who were in the gym, the Inside Team, the Stewards, the Worship Team, and the Men and prayed for God to intervene and have our Family Members released to complete their walk, their weekend. We held off beginning for the day while we waited for God to hear and act on our prayer. A few minutes later we were informed the Men were being called out from lockdown and would be joining us - But God!!

  • Only two Talks are given on Sunday, - Obstacles to Accepting God's Grace and Walking in God's Grace - I will only say this about their talks, the speakers both put their hearts and souls into them, and the Men laughed and sighed through them, very engaging.

  • The Prayer Circle, ~ 20 minutes took almost 40 minutes, they were praying over their brothers, lunch was cut to ~ 15 minutes - don't worry, the Men had plenty of time to eat the pizza.

  • All the Men accepted their Kairos Crosses.

  • During Open Mic one of the Men, Randy after 33 years worshiping a false God has turned his life over to Christ and provided a very good analogy based on a candle and where and how it burns. We also had something that seldom happens during Open Mic, complete Family participation by many of the Families.

  • Charles our 4th Day Speaker did a great job of speaking directly to the Men.

  • Michelle accompanied by her husband Reggie, an Ex-Offender, provided a very emotion discussion on Kairos Outside.

One thing about this Walk, it appeared the majority of the Men who participated were already walking with Christ and that those who ended up in B-Wing were probably not. Regardless, be in prayer that this Walk, and these Men will re-invigorate our Prayer and Share efforts and the number of Men participating will increase!


Only other thing to mention, we had a great turnout of Free World with many of them being Ex-Offenders. Each one of them is a prime example that they can succeed outside the walls. Identifying nothing is impossible with Christ.